Recruitment satisfaction surveys
Recruitment satisfaction surveys are conducted by HR professionals with the main goal to improve and optimize their recruiting strategies. More and more HR professionals and recruiters have started implementing interview feedback surveys with the main goal to improve candidate experience and increase offer acceptance rate. Recruitment satisfaction surveys should be implemented on every candidate to get the right picture about the overall interviewing process and its efficiency.
Sample of recruitment satisfaction survey questions
5-answer Likert scale recruitment satisfaction survey questions From 1 to 5, to what extent do you agree with these statements (1 - strongly disagree and 5 - strongly agree)
It was easy to find all the information regarding the position
Recruiter told me how to prepare for the interview
Recruiter was friendly
Recruiter was professional
I got all the responses from recruiter I needed
All my questions were answered in a timely manner
It was easy to apply for the position
It was easy to find the company for the interview
It was clear how did I need to compare for the interview
I felt I was very welcomed when I came for the interview
I was happy with the time between the application and the response
I was happy with the time between the interview and feedback
Open recruitment satisfaction survey questions
Overall, how satisfied are you with our recruiting and hiring process? Why?
Would you recommend [company name] to other friends to apply? Why?
Was the recruiter helpful throughout the whole process?
How can we, in your opinion, improve our hiring process?
Did we always respond to you in a timely manner?
Open recruitment satisfaction survey questions
Overall, how satisfied are you with our recruiting and hiring process? Why?
Would you recommend [company name] to other friends to apply? Why?
Was the recruiter helpful throughout the whole process?
How can we, in your opinion, improve our hiring process?
Did we always respond to you in a timely manner?
| NOT AT ALL LIKELY 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | EXTREMELY LIKELY 5 |
| | | | | |