A. Overall
1.How likely would you recommend ZCP to your friends, family, colleagues or associates?
 Very Unlikey
123456789Very Likely
How likely would you recommend ZCP to your friends, family, colleagues or associates?
After visiting the guided tour, to what extent do you agree to the descriptions about CIC – Zero Carbon Park below?
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
(a) Innovative and smart
(b) Promoting green living and sustainable development
(c) Beneficial to the community
(d) Experiential and engaging
3.B. About the Exhibition “Climate Change and My Smart City”
 Very Unlikely
123456789Very Likely
"4. After visiting the Exhibition “Climate Change and My Smart City’, how likely would you recommend this exhibition to your relatives and friends?
4.Please indicate the degree of overall satisfaction after you visit the Exhibition “Climate Change and My Smart City”
Please indicate 3 top exhibits that you have found most interesting (please tick):
6.Does the exhibition increase your understanding about “Climate Change and My Smart City” and inspire you to support smart living in you daily life?
Have you ever visit CIC- ZCP before?
8.Are you working in construction related company / organization?
9.Other Comments:
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